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XPath query/queries:
The Daily Caller 2014-10-31 Layout
URL: http://dailycaller.com/*
XPath query/queries:
Description: The Daily Caller keeps rolling out layout changes with bad design elements which render it unreadable without javascript (e.g., disabled in browser preferences, using NoScript, etc.); this RIP compensates for all versions of the bad design elements.
Note 1: For line 3 above to work, the underscore character shown must be deleted; it is only present because this Wiki will not display the line without it. The download file of course needs no modification because it does not contain the underscore.
Note 2: Around October 31 2014, The Daily Caller made a CSS change which overrides RIP.* The only solution is to change one line of one of the files inside the RIP extension package itself. Instructions on how to modify a Firefox extension can be found using Google. Then, edit the file
and locate the clause
if (style == 'none')
and within that clause change the statement (line 2588 in RIP version from
nodeToRemove.style.display = style;
nodeToRemove.style = 'display: none ! important';
Alternatively, download the updated rip.js file and replace it in the RIP extension package. Or at your own risk, download and install the updated pre-packaged RIP extension version
(*: The Daily Caller added a "!important" rule to one of the styles in one of the classes which makes it override RIP's replacement "display: none" style which lacks the rule. So I added it to that one style as minimally invasively as I know how. However, it would be much better if the author would go through and add "!important" rules properly to all of the replacement styles....)
Contributor: kwiniec
Download: dailycallernewlayout.rip
Remove Dattebayo Fake Links
URL: http://*dattebayo.com*
XPath query/queries:
Description: Removes all unobvious fake/troll links from the site.
Contributor: bigredpk
Download: dattebayo.rip
URL: http://dictionary.reference.com/*
XPath query/queries:
//div[@class="banner ad"]
//table[contains(.,"Sponsored Link")]
//p[contains(.,"Share This")]
//div[a[contains(@href, "googlesyndication.com")]]
//div[a[contains(@href, "googlesyndication.com")]]/following-sibling::span[@class="line"][1]
Description: Removes all ads from Dictionary.com
Download: Dictionary.rip
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